what if the sparrow 

What if the sparrow 

believed her song woke the dawn?

Trilling in good faith…

At first the sound of 5am was silence, the only sound was my waking slowly from a dreamy sleep.  But then as I lay there, slowly the silence gave way to the most earnest sound.  The sound of a cool May morning at approximately 5:20 that was filled with intricate singing from the most sincere song sparrow and I wondered…

2 thoughts on “what if the sparrow 

  1. Pingback: Nominated for The Versatile Blogger Award! | Omnipleasant

    • Hi Omni (http://omnipleasant.me) thank you for this – I am new to reading and understanding what it means here in the WordPress universe! Amazing my meditation journey began about two years ago this month. I still recall your wonderful advice when I was struggling. Thanks so much for your support with that and my writing here. ~Kim


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